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Branches of technology, characteristics and what they are

Branches of technology, characteristics and what they are

When we hear about technology, we tend to immediately associate it with computers, but the truth is that the more technology advances, the more branches of technology that complement it, so we invite you to learn more about this interesting topic. You continue reading.

What is technology?

Throughout this article we are going to show you each of the most relevant branches of technology and their different specialties, so that you will be able to know which branches of science they belong to and how they are applied. But what is technology?

It is a very broad concept and it has always been evolving with humanity since its inception. Technology can be said to have started when the first utensils, tools and other techniques were invented to make human life easier.

If we want to define it in a simple way, we have to say that technology refers to the amount of ideas and knowledge used in search of solutions to specific problems

Branches of technology

Anytime a reference is made to branches of technology, a discussion immediately begins as to which branches it covers or in which fields it can be applied, because as we have said earlier, technology arises from modification or new creation. A method, a tool or device that facilitates the activities we carry out in daily life.

It is not possible to categorize technological advancements, because technology is changing every day, all the advancements that formed the cutting edge technology for an entire generation are obsolete.

Taking this statement into consideration, technology has a huge number of nuances and edges, its goals have led to the formation of general branches, which among their specific objectives is to promote their field of application towards other specialties and categories of technology as a whole.

That is why, at first, the answer to the question of what are the branches of technology is that the first one is classified into four large sections, which are material, social, conceptual and general branches, which are divided into several subsections. Specific areas.


A branch that includes the fields or sub-disciplines of technology that we know as sciences by the names of physics, chemistry, biology and biochemistry.


Civil Engineering: Its aim is to find solutions to all kinds of problems related to structures, including structural works, large architectural works and the invention and maintenance of infrastructure. Its raison d'être mainly focuses on the invention of tools and construction methods that improve or facilitate techniques for the manufacture of houses, bridges, buildings, roads and all types of civil works.

Electrical Engineering: Focuses its activity on finding solutions to the problems of invention and maintenance of electrical works. In general, its objective is to try to increase technological development related to power plants and methods of generating electricity, while facilitating improvement in the use and saving of all available resources and energy.

Electronic Engineering: Responsible for ensuring that electronic resources evolve, with the aim of developing new technologies to produce better performance in telecommunication related aspects such as sending and receiving data and others.


Inorganic: Using inorganic chemistry, it is possible to develop tools that focus on elements such as diamond or graphite, similar to a knife or pencil. Similarly, with the use of this branch of technology, household utensils, ceramics, televisions, glass and all other artefacts or devices that improve our quality of life can be manufactured.

Organic: It is responsible for studying and processing all elements created by carbon bonds and can be used in technical applications that manage to promote the social sphere. As an example of this, we can cite the attention paid by organic chemistry to the formation of alcohols, which are essential for multiple activities, including those developed in the health sector.


Pharmacology: Using this science helps in the prevention and fight against diseases and illnesses occurring in our society groups.

Bromatology: It is a science whose primary function is to ensure that the food consumed by humans is suitable for it, thus avoiding the occurrence of intoxications and ensuring proper quality control.


Agronomy: The science responsible for evaluating the processes of cultivation, harvesting and preservation of agricultural products for food security.

Medicine: With this it is possible to establish a diagnosis, in search of improvement of human health, promoting holistic health.

Bioengineering: makes it possible to design and create useful tools to deal with problems related to public health.


Within this group of sciences it is possible to find the fields of war, economics, sociology, psychology and psychology.


In turn, it is divided into:

Psychiatry: This science, capable of treating and preventing mental disorders, is ideal for rehabilitating people with adjustment and autonomy problems, allowing them to reintegrate into society.

Pedagogy: is the science responsible for working on teaching and learning so that they become well-trained adults with education, allowing for the development of society with high values ​​and moral principles.

Psychosociology It is also subdivided into:

Industrial Psychology: It is the science of promoting and encouraging the use and creation of tools that are convenient for the worker so that his activity becomes more efficient.

Commercial Psychology: It is responsible for studying the markets and all aspects involved in it. That is, it helps develop skills in both buyers and sellers.


In this case, it is divided into:

Sociology itself: It is responsible for studying the behavior of a society, analyzing its cultural trends, which promote the stabilization of behaviors in a particular environment.

Political Science: It is fundamental to study politics and its interrelationship with society.


Management Sciences: The use of this type of science helps in promoting business management, accounting, marketing, marketing and productive entrepreneurship, giving people better development at the economic level.

martial arts

Military sciences: its use facilitates the prevention of conflicts, using the art of diplomacy, without reaching a conflict between armies and unfortunately it is real, then it studies the tactics to be used to obtain victory.


Computer science is specifically included in this branch of technology.

Computer: With it it is possible to automate all processes of receiving and sending information. Its name is a derivative of the words automation and information, which refers to any device used to collect information and share it, with or without human intervention.


Systems theory specializes in this last branch.

Systems theory: It is a method of study with which we can view anomalies, sets and generalities in a different way from traditional sciences. Its objective is the study of principles applicable to systems of all types and in all fields of research.

Types of technology

Technology is closely related to industrial revolution, machines and other electrical or electronic components. But it is possible to make a first distinction between two large groups of technologies, namely:

Soft technology

It gets this name because it uses the humanities with the aim of reaching conclusions for the solution of needs or problems, which can be of great benefit. It covers more theoretical topics with the aim of improving theories, models and processes. Among them it is possible to mention economics, sociology and psychology, because they are responsible for creating non-obvious solutions that have positive effects.

Hard technology

They are based on certain sciences such as physics, chemistry or mathematics, as well as other applied sciences, to be able to understand the environment around us and provide solutions.

Advantages and Disadvantages

We live in a constant state of flux, replacing our habits that may be considered outdated with new ones, constantly modifying even the practices that are already ingrained. This transformation breaks with the established order model, leading to the discovery of problems that represent positive things to improve our daily coexistence with the environment.


It uses the speed of access to information so that it can reduce the time taken to make decisions that contribute to smoothing and improving the quality of life of people or production processes. It serves as a basis for entrepreneurship, thus the development of new ideas that stimulate industrial activities.

On the other hand, it has fostered creativity, thanks to the fact that it has been possible to use technological resources in the production of various professional fields. Some examples of this are those observed in the field of photography or music, not to mention others.

It has favored access to multiple sources of knowledge through the use of available digital tools. It allows greater efficiency in industrial processes, which supports increased productivity, as well as the design of new techniques that are less harmful to the environment.


A huge generation gap has been created between those born in the digital age and those born before. New technologies are said to favor isolation and reduce the production of communication processes with other human beings at various levels.

Another disadvantage pointed out is that new technologies have a negative effect on human short-term memory and limit the possibilities of mental exercise. On the other hand, in obtaining the natural resources necessary for the development of new technological tools, mineral and labor exploitation has been promoted uncontrollably and is said to be thanks to the development automation using robots for employment sources. , except for non-specialized personnel.

Branches of technology that have the most job offers

This new reality that has emerged with the ramifications of technology has opened up new areas in the labor market. Companies and the public sector across the planet require highly trained personnel skilled in the use of technology. That's why we now continue to enter several of the most requested profiles.

Computer Engineering or ICT: Of all the profiles, this is the most in demand, as companies need applicants who have completed a higher or university degree as programmers and developers.

Cyber ​​Security Technician: This is a profile that is in constant demand in most companies, in which one needs to have more knowledge in preventing computer risks to avoid system errors.

Robotics: Professionals required in this field must be experts in the application of machinery to automate industrial processes.

5G Specialist: Thanks to the advancement of the new generation of web and mobile telephony, technologists are needed to enable infrastructure, adapt applications and web programs to the new reality.

Artificial Intelligence (AI): Any activity that involves creation, is closely related to computer programs, and facilitates the development of any operation characteristic of humans. In the future, it is hoped that computing behavior can be brought closer to neural networks.

There are various advantages and disadvantages of technology . Its impact on everyday life is practically immeasurable.

Technology has enabled advancements in many areas, so it is possible that it is used differently in everyday life. However, it is still used even though it can have negative effects on people and society.

Five advantages of technology development

1 - Discoveries in all industries

Advances in technology allow people to find more efficient things and these processes produce positive results.

For example, education has developed extensively due to technological advancements in computers. Students are able to learn on a global scale without leaving their classrooms.

Thanks to the development of technology, the agricultural producer processes what is already necessary to automate dozens and dozens of workers. This means greater cost efficiency for farmers.

Medical discoveries are made much faster thanks to the fact that machines and computers can assist in the research process; can provide an intensive educational field of medical issues.

2 - Cost effectiveness

With the help of technology, it is possible to improve processes and perform new tasks. As a result, machines can produce the same results as humans - or even better - in certain industries.

This results in cost savings for business owners as it allows them to invest those resources in the growth of other business areas, which in turn has a positive impact on the economy in general.

3 - easy access to information
Much information is published and added to websites; Many websites have original content that can be used for research or entertainment.

Small devices such as smartphones and tablets allow users to easily access information because these devices use the Internet.

These elements facilitate access to the network and it simplifies the way of obtaining information.

4. Better communication
It can be said that communication is like water for life: we cannot develop without communication.These tools include e-mail, cell phones, video conferencing, instant messaging applications, and social networking applications.

All these modern communication tools have made it easier for people and companies to communicate.

5 - improving travel

Modern transportation technologies make it easy to travel longer distances. Transportation is an important part of the human and business world.

It used to be expensive and slow over long distances. Currently, you can cover 10 miles in just a few minutes or hours using planes or trains.

Five disadvantages of technology development

1 - Weapons of mass destruction

Modern technology has been a major ally in the growth and persistence of many wars and conflicts.

The technology helps in the production of modern military weapons that need to be tested. So, when these weapons fall into the hands of criminals, they can use them for selfish reasons that cause a lot of harm to society.

2 - Social isolation

Social isolation is increasing; people spend more and more time playing video games, learning to use modern technologies, using social networks and surfing the Internet, ignoring their real life.Technology has replaced the old way of communication. For example, if a user can easily communicate with 100 friends, they may not feel the need to go and make friends in real life.

3 dependence

As society develops more in the technological field, people are starting to rely more on computers and other technologies for their daily lives.

This means that if a machine breaks or breaks down, people can become almost useless until the problem is fixed.

This dependence on technology puts people at a distinct disadvantage because they become less self-sufficient.

4. Lower value of human workers

While technology is advancing in industries and jobs, human workers are becoming less valuable.

Machines automate processes and can do the work of ten people with one computer; companies don't need to hire as many people to get the job done.

As machines and computers become more and more advanced and efficient, this technology becomes a major disadvantage and is a problem that is expected to have global implications.

5. Reduction of creativity and change in reasoning

Increased reliance on modern tools such as calculators has reduced creativity.

This can be clearly observed in both young and adults. In general, you cannot complete a simple mathematical equation without the help of a calculator.

This affects the way people use their brains and reduces their creativity.

Other indications of IT

As mentioned above, IT has other meanings. Note that five of the other definitions are listed below. You can click on the links on the left to see detailed information about each definition, including definitions in English and your local language.